How long is a therapy session?
Each therapy session is 45 minutes.
How long does therapy take to work?
It varies from individual to individual, and the nature of their problem. In one major national study, 50% of the clients improved after eight sessions of therapy, 75% after six months of therapy.
Will insurance cover my therapy?
Most insurance companies will reimburse for services that are deemed “medically necessary.” Therapy geared strictly for personal growth most likely will not be covered.
I am an in-network provider for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Health Partners, Preferred One, and Medicare. If you are insured by one of these insurers, your therapy with me will be covered per the specific benefits outlined in your plan. Each plan includes different deductible amounts, co-pays, and benefit limits.
For Medica, United Healthcare, and other insurers, your therapy may be covered if your insurance plan provides out-of-network provider coverage.
I would be happy to assist you in determining your health insurance coverage, or if you prefer, you can contact your employer's or health insurer's benefits department for more information.